Python Pandas Example

I automated a silly task as a beginner’s project in Python. It was a nice learning experience as I don’t do this quite often.

So we have a list of upcoming new employees in an Excel file. It has their name and start date. There are a few people in our office that need a reminder that new people are joining, so this script sends them that email with all the details.

Generally, if there’s a new employee on that list that starts in less than 10 days, it adds him to a table and sends that in an email. I run this script in a cron-job once a week at the same hour.

import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
import smtplib, ssl
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart

def sendEmail():
    sender_email = ""
    receiver_email = ""

    message = MIMEMultipart("alternative")
    message["Subject"] = "New Employees Reminder"
    message["From"] = sender_email
    message["To"] = receiver_email

    # Create the plain-text and HTML version of your message
    text = """
    #Open the HTML file we created because we don't want to output raw HTML code. This adds the new employees table to the email.
    with open('employees.html') as fp:
        html =

    part1 = MIMEText(text, "plain")
    part2 = MIMEText(html, "html")

        smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP('server')
        smtpObj.sendmail(sender_email, receiver_email, message.as_string())         
        print ("Successfully sent email")
    except SMTPException:
        print ("Error: unable to send email")

#Read the Excel file, read the specific sheet we need and take just the column we're interested in: Start Date
xls = pd.ExcelFile(r'testfile.xlsx')
df = pd.read_excel(xls, 'New Employment')
df['Start Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Start Date'])
today =

#Calculate how many days are left til the employee starts working using Pandas. It's a delta from today's date and the date in the Excel file.
df['Days Until Start'] = ((df['Start Date'] - today).dt.days)
df['Days Until Start'] = df['Days Until Start'].astype(int)
delta_df = df[['Name', 'Days Until Start']]
close_delta = delta_df[delta_df['Days Until Start'].between(0,10)] #Make sure the employees delta is no bigger than 0 because that means he already started working and smaller than 10 (reasonable time to prepare for a new employee)
close_delta.to_html('employees.html') #Output the data into a table inside the HTML file which we will use for the "Send Email" function.

if len(close_delta) > 0: #Check if there are any employees queued up, so it won't send an email with an empty list in case there are no new employees soon.

The output looks something like this:

Hope this will be helpful to someone 😊